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Our Impact

For 5 incredible years, we have been serving, learning, growing and expanding our reach in Africa and across the globe. Just like the mesmerising beats of the Djembe drum, we've embraced the power of communication, celebration and unity.


From the heart of the forests (wood) to the spirit of the animals (hide), and the skilled hands of artisans, the Djembe drum reflects the essence of our purpose: "Anke dje, anke be" - everyone together in peace.

It takes a village

The momentum we’ve built over the past 5 years has been a testament to the power of collaboration and the strength that comes from working together. Here’s what some of our clients and partners have to say about the impact that working with Nomatu has had.

Mbulelo Bikwani, Executive Director, Sucgrate Consulting Services

Mbulelo Bikwani, Executive Director, Sucgrate Consulting Services

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Mbulelo reflects on his collaboration with Nomatu and the strategic partnership that has grown.

Dawn reflects on the shared vision of Nomatu and The Kaleidoscope Group.


Since their first meeting during the Global DEI Leaders Network, the organisations have been collaborating and bringing immense value to each other’s work.

Tjaart shares the profound impact Samkelo's coaching had on the life of an employee's son, igniting a transformative path for a young life.


Discover how this sparked the power of partnership between 2Collaborate and Nomatu, resulting in a new business venture – 2Collaborate Partners.

Richard Farkas

RIchard Farkas, Creator & Curator

Intercultural Toolbox

"I had the chance to share a space for reflection, debate and learning with Samkelo a few years ago in a Global Think Tank. We had the opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss the future of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.


Samkelo’s participation was extremely valuable. It helped me to see everyday issues in a new light and from a different outlook to what we are used to in the West. From Africa to Latin America, we need to remain united to promote greater diversity, equitability and inclusivity at work and in the world."

Stefan Gottlieb

Stefan Gottlieb, Head of COPE
(Centre of Psychotherapy Excellence)
at Akeso Clinics

"Nomatu fulfills a very deep need to heal our country and society.


Their work comes from such a noble place that it can only succeed. Samkelo, as the CEO, holds incredible integrity and his actions and words really match who he is."



Martin Odour-Otieno

Martin Odour-Otieno, Founder

The Leadership Group

"The Leadership Group is delighted to be in  collaboration with Nomatu.


I first met Samkelo in Nairobi and it was “love at first sight” as we began our partnership around Executive Coaching. We immediately recognised Nomatu’s strength in the area of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging and the opportunity to combine our strengths to expand our reach across Africa. We see this as a strong partnership and look forward to continuing to work together, enabling our clients to grow and deliver. "


We are because you are. Here we celebrate our community,
our interconnectedness and the value we bring to each other. 

SABPP pays tribute to Samkelo Blom through the CEO Recognition Award. Read more about this exceptional achievement here

Samkelo Blom's contribution to the Intercultural Toolbox makes executives sit up and take notice

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